Being Specific

Although I don’t exactly agree with all of these criticisms, I love seeing people’s specific thoughts about how products and services could be better for them.

A few comments on this particular list:

  • Auto-correct: Sure can be funny, but it isn’t like all the examples on there are from iOS, and typos are funny even when they aren’t Apple provided. From my personal use I wouldn’t put auto-correct on a list of iOS frustrations.
  • Widgets/Better email client: Long before I worry about being able to see the current temperature on my home screen, or ask for the ability to mark an email that I didn’t read as read, I’d like Apple to fix the atrocity that is iCloud email unread message counts. When I can look at my home screen and see the real number of messages that are unread (instead of the count of messages that are either unread or maybe have been read on another device since the last time I got a new email on this device because that is totally a useful number), then we can talk about other things Apple should do with notifications and email features.
  • Bigger display: Do people really find the current iPhone UI elements ‘tiny’? I don’t really want the stuff on my iOS screen to be bigger. Aside from that specific point, I’m with Gruber on the general topic of larger screens: “You want a physical device that is small enough to fit easily in your pockets and is comfortable and easy to use while holding it in one hand. But you want a screen that’s as big as feasible, so you can see more content — more words in email messages, web pages, and e-books; bigger pictures and video.”